A good party gift right?

This Summer my friends and I threw a huge party.

I almost missed it however. One afternoon, my neighbor Ian called me and said our neighbor Otis was having a few friends over to her home since her parents were out of town. Ian and I got ready and thought about what booze to bring. I do not like being hammered. I tend to lose motor skills and get ill. I regularly like marijuana to alcohol. It is safer, cleaner and you don’t have the horrible after effects. I pushed for us to visit the cannabis dispensary for something to bring. Ian recommended both of us take some pot brownies. They were easy, and most people enjoyed edibles. Both of us drove to a local cannabis dispensary to get the pot brownies and ended up hanging out. They had some new cannabis items that piqued our interest. Also, Ian wanted to check the CBD oil and cannabis oils. Both of us didn’t realize how much time had passed inside the marijuana dispensary until our PC rang. It was Otis asking where both of us were since most people were already at his site. Ian and I ran to the counter to pay for the marijuana products. I’d seen some CBD oil pens and told the budtender I wanted to bring stuff for a party. She ended up selling me a bong, cannabis flower, a few vapes and tons of pipes. She also got Ian to buy edible brownies, cookies and a whole sheet cake. We spent a ton of money however the stuff we brought was a huge hit.

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