Both orders went to the same address

My boss told me to batch some of the marijuana orders that came to the store.

Batching the orders is something that the drivers do in order to make sure that my friend and I have a route & orders that make sense, and i try to put the ones that are close together in address in the same batch so the delivery driver can get in & out suddenly.

Batching is something that I learned when I was working in the pizza industry. It is a great way for our shoppers to get the fastest maintenance possible. I noticed that two orders had the same address. It is honestly strange for us to get two orders to the same address & both of the orders were numerous hundred dollars. I mentioned the orders to my boss & she thought it was a nice idea for us to call & verify their purchases. Both of the delivery orders were cash. I contacted the first customer! She was a nice woman that was polite & calm on the iphone. She genuinely explained to me that the other order was for her wife; The two of them venued two different orders so they could each get what they wanted & needed, once I figured that out, I knew that the orders were going to be just fine. I ended up being the driver that took the items out to the customer & both people were there with their identification cards & they had plenty of cash to spend money for the marijuana products. They also offered me a honestly generous tip when I left.
recreational cannabis store