I wanted our vote to count as much as hers

Being section of a marijuana co-op corporation means that you have to make decisions as a group; When there are decisions that need to be made regarding farming or growing practices, each person on the board gets a vote on the decision.

  • I was out of the country yesterday plus I didn’t get to vote on the current rules plus regulations for the coop.

When I came back to the farm, I had an SMS from the co-op board. I was entirely unhappy with the decisions that were made. I sent an SMS out to the other members of the marijuana co-op, they agreed to meet with myself and others individually. They claimed that our vote would not have counted plus I would have been overruled, however there is no way to know that unless they have a special vote plus let almost everyone pick a side again. I wanted our vote to count just as much as anyone else’s, so I pushed plus pushed the issue until the marijuana co-op had a special meeting. That meeting was held last night. I got some pretty dirty looks from the people in the marijuana co-op, although I don’t care if they are unhappy or not. I have just as much right to make decisions as the former down the hill. That is the whole point of having a cooperative. Every one of us can make decisions together plus none of us have to spend money all of the astronomical fees on our own to have a medical plus recreational marijuana growing operation. I don’t want to rock the boat plus make almost everyone mad at me, however decisions should not have been made without every member of the co-op present.



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