Parkinson’s symptoms improve as I added medical marijuana treatment

Parkinson’s disease is certainly no picnic.

But it’s no death sentence either.

I think we’ve all seen great examples of that over the past 30 years. First, the advances in therapeutics have really made huge strides. While there is no cure yet, we have a lot of very effective treatments. About a year ago, I added medical marijuana to my own treatment regimen to great results. I’m not quite 60 and I’ve seen some amazing results since I started using medical cannabis. Specifically, I find a different sort of pain management than traditional pain medication. And the less of the pain pills I have to take, the better. Sleeping is also something that improved almost immediately when I started using the cannabis flower products. From the very beginning, I fell asleep quicker and stayed asleep longer. But the big difference has been in the rigidity that comes with Parkinson’s. Medical marijuana allows for much less spasm or rigid muscles. I even feel it as I treat cannabis products. It’s almost like my body sort of relaxes more. That’s not a great way of describing it but the best that I can articulate. Another important facet of using cannabis flower products is the fact that I stress about my situation so very much less. There is almost a positive acceptance which in turn has made my efforts to manage my symptoms that much more effective. I sure hope for a cure and perhaps I’ll live long enough to see that happen. In the meantime, medical marijuana has become a very important pillar in my treatment regimen.


medical marijuana benefits