Skin care doesn’t count as a need medical cannabis

I have been looking into cannabis benefits online, but i have found that no matter what you suffer from, medical cannabis should be able to help… Those with dementia, PTSD, seizures, anxiety and depression all use medical cannabis, however chronic pain and even sleeping troubles can be helped, and recently I found that people are using cannabis for skin troubles, apparently cannabis can reduce the amount of sebum the body produces.

That is the oily substance that clogs pores and leads to breakouts.

Additionally cannabis reduces inflammation, which means redness! You will have less acne forming and the acne you do have won’t be as red and inflamed, how great, right? Unfortunately my state only allows for medical marijuana. I have looked at the directions for medical cannabis and how to get a medical weed card. Skincare troubles don’t fall under the vast umbrella just yet, however my state is close to recreational weed though. I also am planning a trip to a odd state for a getaway. I guess they offer recreational weed shops on every corner. I am planning to try out a odd skin care line. I also think I can sneka it back to my apartment state in my wallet if I am careful. It is not adore I am going to have a baggy of dope. I literally just want a cannabis cream or cleanser that I can use on my face to stop breakouts. How deranged I can’t get it at home. I am going to be adore a sneaky criminal to get something as straight-forward as face wash.



cannabis products