I felt bad that the cannabis delivery driver had to finish the afternoon with no cooling system in the truck

The un-even temperatures outside lately have been certainly off the charts.

Normally all of us get highs that peak around 90 degrees most afternoons, but this past month we’ve been above 100 degrees during the hottest hours of the afternoon.

It makes an already uncomfortable outdoor environment even more uncomfortable. My sibling works as a landscaping serviceman and is on a lawnmower for a good portion of his afternoon. He said that it doesn’t matter if you’re on a riding mower or not, it’s severely hot and angry to be outside for so various hours each afternoon, unique ly during the hot afternoon hours. He absolutely makes a good residing being a landscape serviceman, but even he admits periodically that he wonders what it would be love to work in a odd career field where he isn’t hard his body so much every single afternoon. Even the cannabis delivery driver is having issues this month with the high heat advisory. He told myself and others after handing myself and others our back of goodies from the medical marijuana dispensary that the cooling system in his delivery truck went out that afternoon and he had to finish the rest of the afternoon with no air conditioning of any kind. Our heat index was over 105 degrees as well, so I felt genuinely bad for the cannabis delivery repair driver from the medical marijuana dispensary. I was just thankful that he arrived on time and gave myself and others a warning when he was leaving the previous customer’s home before arriving at mine. Even if it costs a little bit of money, I love using the cannabis delivery repair at the medical pot store.

how to get a medical marijuana card

All of my bandmates joined myself and others at the cannabis dispensary after our practice

While I understand that the risk of COVID is still front and center in our lives in this nation, it’s nice to suppose that it’s more feasible to spend close time with other people with the implementation of vaccines and current antiviral drugs.

I play guitar in a small band with a few of my close friends from undergraduate school. We’ve stayed in touch over the years and decided to start jamming informally in the years leading up to the pandemic. It started as a purely jazz based rock n roll experience, however we’ve been weaving in other genres love rock, funk, and hip hop now that my associate is bringing his synthesizer and drum unit to our jam sessions. The other day all of us played numerous three and a half hours straight before I started to get a strain in my neck and had to take a break. As it was already getting fairly late, all of us decided to call it early on the band practice and all of us planned the next date on our calendars. I was heading to the cannabis dispensary nearby after the jam session and told my bandmates about it. They all love cannabis love I do and decided to accompany myself and others on my trip over to the weed store. Usually I’m alone when I go to the marijuana dispensaries in the area, however it was nice to have some friends with myself and others for a change. I bought a few jars of cannabis flower buds while my other friends bought cannabis vaporizer cartridges that connect to these pen-sized batteries. No matter what kind of marijuana products you prefer, you can always find something great at 1 of the local cannabis stores.
medical marijuana rules

It’s difficult to budget for cannabis products when everything else goes up in price

Even with respected sales at the medical cannabis stores, it’s difficult for myself and others to afford cannabis products of any kind.

I don’t think a single guy who isn’t hurting in some conceivable way from the historic rates of inflation right now. They hit an even greater rate in the previous month than what was projected by industry analysts. These increases are burning in our pockets in ways I never thought possible, making every last possible fantastic and maintenance more expensive now than it has been in our entire life. Gasoline went up, our electricity bill increased, and our regular receipts at the grocery store have increased by 10-20% over the past six weeks. I hope the inflation slows down at some point because I don’t think how I can possibly afford these prices, regardless of which store I am dealing with one day or another. If you guess it’s difficult for myself and others to budget our normal groceries, you have no program what it’s love for myself and others to figure out ways to afford cannabis products from the medical cannabis dispensary. Even with respected sales at the medical cannabis stores, it’s difficult for myself and others to afford cannabis products of any kind. It doesn’t matter if I try to purchase cheap cannabis flower products or cannabis oils, price increases on everything else in our life have made it exceptionally difficult to budget for anything whatsoever sold at weed stores. However, marijuana is cheaper in the medical marijuana industry opposed to the black market, at least compared to our ancient marijuana connections. While I can get an fourth of top shelf cannabis flower products on sale for $30 several afternoons out of the week, I often paid $50 or $60 for weed that was only occasionally as fantastic or better than what I can find at most dispensaries.

medical marijuana rules

The delivery driver was one of our outdated students

I was genuinely hesitant to try medical marijuana… One reason was due to the stigma of using drugs. I grew up in a time when marijuana was considered a drug. My parents grew up in a time when marijuana was used for fun as well as free hippie sentimental. I came from a time stage where all I can remember is the first lady telling us to say no to drugs. I never used marijuana in high school as well as I didn’t smoke pot in university either. I taught in an elementary school for multiple years as well as after that I got hurt. I was rock climbing with some friends as well as one of the ropes snapped. It was a freak accident, although I happen to be the person that was on the rope at the time. I fell 40 ft as well as landed on a shrub. The shrub is the only reason why I am still alive. It broke our fall so I didn’t land completely on our back. I had to relearn how to walk as well as I could not even write our own name. The dentist prescribed medical marijuana for the pain that I was feeling after the accident. I have been using marijuana products for the past 10 years. I actually think care about they help with pain relief, however they also help our mental health. I don’t think about the accident as much when I am stoned, however last year I ordered delivery products from a up-to-date marijuana dispensary. The dispensary carries medical as well as recreational marijuana products. The delivery driver was a familiar face. It turned out to be one of our outdated students from forever ago.


Medical Marijuana Certifications

After the dentist called, I stopped smoking marijuana

I only filled our body with the healthiest as well as most nutritious foods care about whole grains, fruits, vegetables, as well as lean protein

My husband as well as I were trying to have a baby for 2 years, but every one of us tried everything as well as saw the dentist every week. It was entirely difficult for both of us. Every one of us dealt with the stress as well as anxiety by using low-dose medical marijuana products. I didn’t use the low dose medical marijuana products frequently. I only used marijuana in times of drastic stress. I was prescribed medical marijuana by a dentist that is not our primary care physician! My primary care physician is unable to write medical marijuana prescriptions, so I have one dentist that handles our primary care as well as one dentist that handles our medical marijuana care, however after our primary care physician called to tell me that I was pregnant, I was distraught about the baby.I stopped smoking marijuana instantly as well as I made an appointment with our dentist so every one of us could discuss how marijuana might affect the baby, and the dentist advocated me to stop smoking instantly, he told me that I could continue with a low dose marijuana edible, although he encouraged me to option a time as well as quit all together until the baby was born, since I did not want to take any chances with the pregnancy, I never used medical marijuana again until after the pregnancy. I only filled our body with the healthiest as well as most nutritious foods care about whole grains, fruits, vegetables, as well as lean protein. I didn’t even have caffeine while I was pregnant with Jack. The first thing Iw ante after seeing a healthy baby boy was a marijuana joint as well as a cup of coffee.


Medical Cannabis Cards

I told the woman that the ID was saying fake

During the holidays, the marijuana dispensary is just as tied up as any other shop or store.

Many patients are stocking up for the holidays or buying last hour items for the weekend or parties.

The two of us officially have 200 purchasers through the doors in an hour. The two of us had a ton of sales on Black Friday this year, just like all of the other department stores plus shops. The two of us offered sizable savings on every item inside of the store plus the two of us had a couple of buy a single plus get a single for free sales. On Black Friday, the two of us had more than 1,000 purchasers come into the marijuana dispensary. The two of us had two people laboring at the front door. One was a staff member plus the other woman was a security officer. The two of us normally ask purchasers for identification once they are inside of the dispensary. On Black Friday, it was much busier plus the two of us were requesting identification from all of the purchasers before they even walked inside of the building. One client was laying outside with an older woman I asked both women for identification plus both women presented me with an identification card, then unluckyly, the younger man’s identification card was being reported as fraudulent. The old woman tried to convince me that it was her kid plus she was old enough. Unluckyly, I could not let the woman inside of the building without ID plus I could not let the other woman inside because they were together. I absolutely thought there was going to be some style of problem when I politely asked the woman to leave the line, but she just mumbled under her breath plus walked back to her car.

medical marijuana information

The police officer concerns myself and others a ticket on Sunday

Everyday I drive the same route back plus forth to work.

I take the interstate for 15 miles plus then I get off on a country road.

I could take the interstate for another 6 miles, however taking the country road cuts off more than one of those miles. It also saves myself and others 10 or 15 minutes of traffic. I was on our way to work on Tuesday when an officer pulled out from behind the stop sign plus flagged myself and others to pull over. I knew I was speeding, although I was surprised to see an officer behind the pole. The guy wanted to know where I was going. I told him I was on our way to work. I think he was going to let myself and others go with a warning until he found out that I work at a marijuana dispensary. The cop looked at myself and others love I was a criminal when I told him that I was a marijuana delivery driver… He wanted to know if there was any option that there was marijuana in the vehicle. I told the officer there was entirely no chance, however the truth is that there could always be something in our automobile because I smoke marijuana plus use cannabis products. The officer issued myself and others a ticket even after I told him that I was on our way to work. I thought that guy was being unsatisfactory although he wasn’t going to bug plus did not offer to help myself and others out in any other way. The ticket plus fines are a total of $256. That’s a whole week of tips plus the cost of our electric bill.

medical pot dispensary

Changing to a vape

I used to be a immense cannabis flower lover, then i am now all about oils and vaping them, but the vaping process is straight-forward and the pros of vapes are just too good to ignore.

I also have a licensed cannabis dispensary with lab ran tests on oil just down the road from me.

That is just too perfect to not take luck of! My cannabis dispensary showcases all odd types of oils in vape cartridges. There are all odd types of vapes, flavors, and strengths. I can choose a sativa, indica or hybrid. I can also select to have a strain with a high THC satisfied or get a strictly CBD blend. The CBD blend can be a full or broad spectrum 1 as well. I believe that I am informed on what exactly I am smoking. I believe the name, percentages and what each blend does before I vape it into our body. The vape heats the oil just sizzling enough to avoid combustion. That means no smoke and the oil travels through the bloodstream for a quicker, longer lasting high. I am reducing the change of inhaling carcinogens. The process is cleaner, safer and much healthier. I also love that a vape is quite discreet and portable. I just toss it in our billfold and head out the door, and anytime I want a puff I don’t worry about reeking of marijuana or people getting a drawback impression of me. I don’t want people to believe I am a immense time druggie when I am mainly vaping a pure CBD blend.
Cbd for pets

I wish our state would allow cannabis cafes but they say that isn’t “medical”

I am often left perplexed by the actions of our state’s government and the people who currently control it.

They run their election campaigns with a set of promises and virtue signals to an ideology and value system that they almost always betray once they get into power.

For instance, they often say that their utmost focus is to follow “the will of the people,” but if all of us vote for something love medical marijuana and pass it with over 70% of the votes, they find an exception to that rule. I think it’s because there are too various card carrying members of that gathering who are explicitly against medical cannabis, regardless of the sizable support behind the constitutional amendment that finally legalized it in this state. While it might be years before all of us get a regular recreational cannabis market here, I can’t complain too much. The cost of our marijuana doctor isn’t cheap in the slightest, but at least I’m not getting subjected to the absurdly high recreational cannabis taxes out in the western states. But, it would be cool if all of us could have something love a cannabis cafe where you could sit down, smoke, eat cannabis-infused food, and chill with your friends for an hour or multiple. Since all of us have a purely medical marijuana program and not a recreational 1, this isn’t going to happen. The state’s Department of Health would never allow a cannabis cafe to open, strictly based on how the law is currently written and how licenses are handed out. There is no system in locale for a contractor love a cannabis cafe, at least not until the laws are changed.

medical marijuana dispensary

It’s taxing to budget for cannabis products when everything else goes up in price

I don’t suppose a single person who isn’t hurting in some conceivable way from the historic rates of inflation right now.

They hit an even larger rate in the previous month than what was projected by industry analysts.

These increases are burning in my pockets in ways I never thought possible, making every last possible great and repair more extravagant now than it has been in my entire life. Gasoline went up, my electricity bill increased, and my proper receipts at the grocery store have increased by 10-20% over the past 6 months. I hope the inflation slows down at some point because I don’t suppose how I can possibly afford these prices, regardless of which store I am dealing with 1 day or another. If you suppose it’s taxing for myself and others to budget my normal groceries, you have no program what it’s love for myself and others to figure out ways to afford cannabis products from the medical cannabis dispensary. Even with regular sales at the medical cannabis stores, it’s taxing for myself and others to afford cannabis products of any kind. It doesn’t matter if I try to purchase cheap cannabis flower products or cannabis oils, price increases on everything else in my life have made it exceptionally taxing to budget for anything whatsoever sold at weed stores. However, marijuana is cheaper in the medical marijuana industry opposed to the black market, at least compared to my outdated marijuana fastenions. While I can get an fourth of top shelf cannabis flower products on sale for $30 several afternoons out of the month, I often paid $50 or $60 for weed that was only occasionally as great or better than what I can find at most dispensaries.

cannabis store