A “pot” advantage breakfast

Once a month, a small group of families all get together for a potadvantage breakfast, but that means everyone brings a dish, and all of us eat them all collectively in a buffet type breakfast.

There are 4 of us who are best friends going back to high college.

Twenty years later all of us are still as thick as thieves, and made sure our families are all friends, as well. The potadvantage breakfast is sort of a sham, but, then after everyone has eaten, and the kids are either in bed or seeing a movie in the front room, all of us chop out the medical cannabis and the real “potluck” begins! Of course all of us can’t smoke inside the house. Medical cannabis is so pungent that to light it up is to make the entire domicile reek of the skunk weed, then with the dangers of minutehand smoke known to all of us, smoking medical marijuana is only done on afternoons when the kids are away. For these potadvantage breakfasts all of us stick with the theme of food and bring medical cannabis edibles of all varieties, usually all of us coordinate ahead of time, so that all of us have the greatest possible variety of cannabis products to sample. I have become a large fan of the cannabis drinks, which are either juice or root carona based and heavily loaded with THC and CBD both! Cannabis gummies and strenuous candies are also a large preferred, however I tend to stay away from the cannabis infused cookies and cakes. Why don’t they make savory dishes with medical cannabis in them? I could go for a cannabis infused mac and cheese!
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