All of my bandmates joined me at the cannabis dispensary after our practice

While I understand that the risk of COVID is still front and center in our lives in this nation, it’s nice to know that it’s more feasible to spend close time with other people with the implementation of vaccines and new antiviral drugs. I play guitar in a small band with a few of my close friends from undergraduate school. We’ve stayed in touch over the years and decided to start jamming informally in the years leading up to the pandemic. It started as a purely jazz based music experience, but we’ve been weaving in other genres like rock, funk, and hip hop now that my friend is bringing his synthesizer and drum machine to our jam sessions. The other day we played four three and a half hours straight before I started to get a strain in my neck and had to take a break. As it was already getting fairly late, we decided to call it early on the band practice and we planned the next date on our calendars. I was heading to the cannabis dispensary nearby after the jam session and told my bandmates about it. They all like cannabis like I do and decided to accompany me on my trip over to the weed store. Usually I’m alone when I go to the marijuana dispensaries in the area, but it was nice to have some friends with me for a change. I bought a few jars of cannabis flower buds while my other friends bought cannabis vaporizer cartridges that attach to these pen-sized batteries. No matter what kind of marijuana products you prefer, you can always find something great at one of the local cannabis stores.


cannabis regulations