Cannabis & exercise helps improve mind & body

My task is harshly sedentary.

I spend more than forty hours per week sitting in a chair, staring at a monitor & typing on a keyboard.

While I like what I do & am blissful for my paycheck, the lack of physical activity began taking its toll on my physical & mental health. I started to suffer from migraines & insomnia. I struggled with painful joints, carpal tunnel syndrome & tennis elbow. I ached in my shoulders, spine, hips, knees & ankles. I knew that I either needed to quit my task & pursue a new work or make some changes. I decided to make improvements to my lifestyle. I now set my alarm much earlier in the morning to provide time to workout. I devote approximately an hour to high-intensity physical activity. I might go for a run, jump rope, lift weights, ride my bike or swim. I get my lungs laboring, my heart pumping & push myself until I’m breathless & dripping with sweat. I also include a trip to the cannabis dispensary every month. I purchase cannabis as a natural remedy for my many concerns. The combination of CBD, THC & certain terpenes helps to lessen anxiety, pain & inflammation. The dispensary provides an assortment of consumption methods & strains that target concerns with headaches, sleeping & chronic pain. I shop their bath bombs & set aside time to soak in the tub every Sunday. The essential oils, boiling water & cannabinoids are a good way to get rid of stress & clear my head. I like indica strains of edibles to help me sleep & sativa strains of tinctures to motivate my workouts.

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