This year, my son turned 21 years old and he was excited to go to a recreational marijuana dispensary for the first time. In this state, you have to be 21 years old to go to a marijuana dispensary that is for recreational use. You can be 18 years old and go to a medical marijuana dispensary, but you have to have approval from the doctor and a certification from the state. My son used recreational marijuana products long before he turned 21 years old. I did not try to stop him, because everyone in the family uses recreational marijuana products. I asked my son what he wanted for his birthday and he said that he wanted me to take him to the dispensary and buy a bunch of marijuana supplies. I was happy to share that experience with my boy. We went to the marijuana dispensary near me, because they have a lot of great sales and specials. They also offer a 30% off discount for first-time patients and my son was going to take advantage of that savings. He had a small shopping basket and he started filling the basket with a lot of different items that were on his list. He bought some edibles, a disposable marijuana vape pen, a half ounce of dried marijuana flower, and a couple of glass bowls. I didn’t spend very much money for the entire purchase, especially after we got a 30% discount. I even picked up a couple of things for myself while I was at the recreational and medical marijuana shop.