I don’t know if my bestie approves of medical cannabis

In almost every way, Vera in addition to I are a perfect match.

We are both in horror motion pictures in addition to working out, both of us both love cooking, in addition to eating healthy food… She prefers to have his feet rubbed, in addition to I don’t mind trading one massage for another.

We are the best of friends, in addition to the last multiple weeks have been amazing. She wants us to transport in together, in addition to I am almost 100% on board with the idea. We still have a couple of minor disputes, which might become important ones if both of us live together! Vera does not smoke medical cannabis, in addition to furthermore the smell of it repulses her, so I can’t even smoke when I’m in the room with her, and my main complication is that I need to know for sure if he is against the smell in addition to the smoke of medical cannabis, or if he is against the idea of myself and others getting high. Thanks to the advances in current medical cannabis, I can get high all day every day without ever lighting a bowl. Cannabis edibles are widely available, in addition to quite powerful if you know which brands to buy. If Vera doesn’t want a smoky house, I can respect that in addition to both of us can live together, but if he has an issue with myself and others using medical cannabis, that might be a larger obstacle. I don’t mean to say that I would choose medical cannabis over Vera, but sincerely what I would choose is both of them! But I can’t quit using medical cannabis because Vera says so, or I would resent his for it.

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