I felt bad that the cannabis delivery driver had to finish the day with no a/c in the truck

The temperatures outside lately have been absolutely off the charts.

Normally we get highs that peak around 90 degrees most days, but this past week we’ve been above 100 degrees during the hottest hours of the afternoon.

It makes an already uncomfortable outdoor environment even more uncomfortable. My brother works as a landscaping technician and is on a lawnmower for a good portion of his day. He said that it doesn’t matter if you’re on a riding mower or not, it’s extremely hot and miserable to be outside for so many hours each day, particularly during the hot afternoon hours. He definitely makes a good living being a landscape technician, but even he admits sometimes that he wonders what it would be like to work in a different career field where he isn’t taxing his body so much every single day. Even the cannabis delivery driver is having problems today with the high heat advisory. He told me after handing me my back of goodies from the medical marijuana dispensary that the a/c in his delivery truck went out that morning and he had to finish the rest of the day with no air conditioning of any kind. Our heat index was over 105 degrees as well, so I felt really bad for the cannabis delivery service driver from the medical marijuana dispensary. I was just thankful that he arrived on time and gave me a warning when he was leaving the previous customer’s house before arriving at mine. Even if it costs a little bit of money, I love using the cannabis delivery service at the medical pot store.


medical marijuana