I like having discreet services seven days a week

When everyone in my family thought about becoming a medical cannabis patient, all of us were embarrassed to talk about cannabis being a drug that can lead to a gateway.

It was bad for people to use marijuana and only folks on drugs were the ones who did this.

The people I was with and myself went to school assemblies that talked of dangers that pop would bring and how bad your brain would be fried. This scared myself and also other straight for many years to come. It’s weird now for it to be legal for medical and also recreational reasons and that should make everything okay. Unfortunately I still feel bad about being a weed patient. The people I was with and you feel bad about lighting up a marijuana joint or even cannabis smoking outside of the office. It seems like it’s not classy or professional. I talked to a person at a medical marijuana dispensary about this and the guy informed myself and others that there are other things that you can do so no one even knows that you’re using marijuana. One thing you can get is a cannabis mouth spray that is infused with 20 or 30 mg of THC per spray. I spray sometimes after supper or even before dinner and in the ladies room before a meeting. Nobody even thinks that it is a medical cannabis product and I didn’t even think that this was the type of thing that I would find to help me use medical marijuana without a bunch of people being all over me about it


Medical Cannabis