It’s hard to budget for cannabis products when everything else goes up in price

I don’t know a single person who isn’t hurting in some conceivable way from the historic rates of inflation right now.

They hit an even bigger rate in the previous month than what was projected by industry analysts.

These increases are burning in my pockets in ways I never thought possible, making every last possible good and service more expensive now than it has been in my entire life. Gasoline went up, my electricity bill increased, and my usual receipts at the grocery store have increased by 10-20% over the past six months. I hope the inflation slows down at some point because I don’t know how I can possibly afford these prices, regardless of which store I am dealing with one day or another. If you think it’s hard for me to budget my normal groceries, you have no idea what it’s like for me to figure out ways to afford cannabis products from the medical cannabis dispensary. Even with regular sales at the medical cannabis stores, it’s hard for me to afford cannabis products of any kind. It doesn’t matter if I try to purchase cheap cannabis flower products or cannabis oils, price increases on everything else in my life have made it exceptionally difficult to budget for anything whatsoever sold at weed stores. However, marijuana is cheaper in the medical marijuana industry opposed to the black market, at least compared to my old marijuana connections. While I can get an eighth of top shelf cannabis flower products on sale for $30 many days out of the month, I often paid $50 or $60 for weed that was only occasionally as good or better than what I can find at most dispensaries.


medical marijuana dispensary