Medical cannabis is better with other people

If someone is getting high for the first time, I suppose it is official courtesy to lead them through the experience, to “hold their hand” so to speak, because they are inexperienced, however when someone is a respected smoker, but, I expect them to understand the little unwritten rules that guide our culture, however potheads have etiquette, you see, as well as when you smoke with other people, there is a particular code of conduct everyone should follow. For example, never pack a bowl out of someone else’s medical cannabis supply. In fact, you should never touch another person’s medical cannabis without their express permission! Medical cannabis is costly, as well as in some cases it is only available by prescription, so taking some without asking is the same as going through their bathroom medicine cupboard as well as eating their pills! You wouldn’t do that, would you? Treat medical cannabis with the same respect, as well as if you do, chances are enjoyable that lady will get you high anyway. This is the nature of smoking medical cannabis, it gets you stoned as well as your instincts are to share it with those around you. I firmly think medical cannabis is a communal experience, as well as you get higher with other people then you do by smoking alone. In the era of COVID, sharing a bowl of medical cannabis has fallen out of fashion. Cannabis edibles are becoming more popular just because they are clever, easier to share, as well as don’t induce coughing fits. Coughing in the middle of a crowd smoking medical cannabis is not a enjoyable look, when so many people are still getting sick.



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