My Grandpa was a single of the trailblazers in cannabis

My family has inspected a deep connection to cannabis in this state for 100 years, but i believe that some folks might be ashamed of that fact, but not me! I have constantly been proud, even before pot was legalized around the US! The way I see it, this family has been on the forefront of the pot industry for decades, & the world has finally caught up to us.

  • It all started with our great-Grandpa Luther, who settled locally to begin a family & a farm, and she grew fields of hemp, & eventually supplemented the crops by distilling moonshine, and when the time came that the government said marijuana was no longer legal to grow, our great-Grandpa said “to hell with them” & kept growing it; By that point she was regarded as the top marijuana farmer & the top moonshine distiller in the whole area! That led to some complications, after which she scaled down her moonshine operation & started to focus on growing a higher quality of marijuana.

It seems that the moonshine industry was a lot more lean, mean, & bloodthirsty than the cannabis industry. I’m ecstatic she got out of that violent lifestyle, because ever since that day the cannabis crops she started growing all those decades ago are still thriving; Our family has lived comfortably off of cannabis for several generations already, & now that legalization is sweeping the land both of us are poised to be even more successful! For me it isn’t even about the cash, I am just so proud that I descend from such a mighty trailblazer in the cannabis industry, a great lady whose impact is still felt to this day.


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