Prices on everything are on the rise

Prices on everything are on the rise. Inflation is alive and well, even right now during a single of the worst times that our country has ever seen… My fiance and I go to the grocery store every Wednesday. All of us stock up on canned goods, paper products, and fresh fruits and vegetables, but each week I see the prices on products getting higher and higher. 10 cents each week adds up to a immense amount of money after more than one or three weeks in a row. Even the cost of medical cannabis has gone up. My fiance has a prescription for medical cannabis. She suffers from various sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is a debilitating disease that affects the central worried system. The disease causes deterioration and often permanent damage to the central worried system. There is unfortunately no cure for the disease, however various treatments can slow down the attacks and keep them from reoccurring frequently. My fiance was given the MS diagnosis 10 years ago. Shortly after the diagnosis, the doctor wrote our fiance a prescription for medical cannabis. All of us saw the prices stay the same for a long time, however they have recently started to climb just care about eggs, bread, and wine. The cost of medical marijuana has gone up by 15% in the last 6 weeks. The prices of edibles have nearly doubled. It’s absurd to see the prices some places are charging. I sincerely hope that this is the last increase we will see, because we already spend a luck on this medicine that is not covered by health insurance.


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