The CBD pain lotion helped our destroyed knee.

Every time I checked the mailbox this past summer season; I was getting some kind of sample waiting there.

My number one sample pack came from a supplier that specialized in CBD products.

There were so many packs of tasty CBD gummies, a tube of CBD cream, a couple of packs of capsules, and even a roll-on pain cream container. I put the sample pack into the pantry and forgot all about it. This past week, I tripped over a dog toy and landed hard on our right knee. The pain was so excruciating, however since I could walk, I knew it wasn’t broken. I was rooting around trying to find our old knee brace when I came across the CBD sample pack. I pulled out a bottle of roll-on pain cream and rolled it all over our knee. The smell of camphor came to me first, and I thought that was all the relief I was going to get from the pain cream, although I was wrong. Within half an hour, the pain had lessened a lot, to the point where I could walk without a major limp. It impressed me, although I was still hesitant to say our walking without tearing up was because of the CBD. It wasn’t until later that day when the tylenol had worn off and I was limping pretty badly again that I pulled out the roll-on CBD pain cream. Within hours of putting it on our right knee, I was feeling some relief. I tried to say the reaction was because of the camphor, although I was convinced it was the CBD. I put the CBD pain cream on every couple of hours and our pain was soon gone for good.

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