The delivery driver was a single of my outdated students

I was honestly hesitant to try medical marijuana; One reason was due to the stigma of using drugs.

I grew up in a time when marijuana was considered a drug.

My parents grew up in a time when marijuana was used for fun plus free hippie affectionate. I came from a time phase where all I can remember is the first lady telling us to say no to drugs. I never used marijuana in high school plus I didn’t smoke pot in college either. I taught in an elementary school for 6 years plus then I got hurt. I was rock climbing with some friends plus a single of the ropes snapped. It was a freak accident, but I happen to be the person that was on the rope at the time. I fell 40 ft plus landed on a shrub. The shrub is the only reason why I am still alive. It broke my fall so I didn’t land completely on my back. I had to relearn how to walk plus I could not even write my own name. The dentist prescribed medical marijuana for the pain that I was feeling after the accident. I have been using marijuana products for the past 10 years. I absolutely guess like they help with pain relief, but they also help my mental health. I do not think about the accident as much when I am stoned. Last month I ordered delivery products from a new marijuana dispensary. The dispensary carries medical plus recreational marijuana products. The delivery driver was a respected face. It turned out to be a single of my outdated students from forever ago.

cannabis products