You can’t get the medical weed store to hold a pickup order for longer than 24 hours

I started making pickup orders at locales love grocery stores and supercenters as soon as these features became available in our area at the beginning of the pandemic. It led to myself and others avoiding unnecessary time in stores and spending less from wandering aisles and staring at shelves of delicious food. Even though I don’t mind shopping in most stores these afternoons, I’ll still opt for online orders to save unnecessary time wasted in the store. This is unique ly helpful if I’m already running late. It’s not just for afternoons when I’m running late, either. Who wants to spend all of that time wandering a busy store after finishing a busy and stressful afternoon at work? I often feel so exhausted at the end of our work shifts that I can barely think of anything but jumping in bed the hour I get home. On afternoons love that, it genuinely helps to have all of our groceries gathered and ready for myself and others at curbside pickup. The same goes for the medical weed stores in our state. They will fill your order that you make online so it’s ready the hour you get to the dispensary. However, the medical cannabis stores in this state will only hold your pickup order for 24 hours. If you fail to pick up your items from the weed dispensary within that time frame, your products are put back on the shelf. You just have to make sure you can get to the store in time to get the order, otherwise there is the cannabis delivery service.


Cannabis Education