It has never been easier to find discounts at local weed stores

I know we are all hurting tremendously from the record inflation levels right now.

It’s getting to a point where I wonder if I will be able to afford my rent after it increases again once the current lease is up for renewal.

My income isn’t exactly increasing anytime soon, so who am I kidding really? I have to use as many coupons and store sales that are available. I learned this prior to the pandemic back in the days when almost all of those coupons were physical and had to be cut out of booklets with scissors. Now that we’re in a post-pandemic world (or quickly approaching it), many of the once-physical coupons are easily clipped using phone apps and store websites. That way you can tie dozens of coupons to your rewards account and then use them at the store without needing all of these tiny little pieces of paper. Luckily the local weed stores are following the habits of the grocery stores and are all offering discounts, coupons, and sales on a rolling basis. There are some cannabis dispensaries that always have a sale of some kind running to make their diehard fans happy. For instance, I love live rosin cannabis concentrates but they’re too expensive for me when they’re bought at full price. I specifically wait for that dispensary’s weekly 40% off storewide sale so I can stock up on live rosin at a much more reduced price. It keeps me in the store but it doesn’t preclude others from paying full price for rosin on other days of the week.


Medical Marijuana Doctor Near Me

Don’t make the mistake of using cannabis while driving your car

My parents were stern with me about intoxication and driving. My uncle, brother to my father, was a lifelong drunk. When he was only 35 years old, he collided with the side of a car while careening through a red light at a busy intersection. Inside was a family, a mother, father, two boys, and a young girl. All but the father perished in the horrific accident, and my uncle went to jail for a few years for vehicular manslaughter as a result of it. His blood alcohol level was so high that the judge had absolutely no mercy for his actions. I remember the trial and the pain in our family that followed when we watched my uncle get sent to jail. When he got out, he had to complete a huge chunk of time doing community service. That amounted to hours walking along the embankments of the interstate highway picking up garbage left by cars speeding by. My parents told me point blank that I would end up like my uncle if I ever decided to get behind the wheel of a car while intoxicated. And they insisted that it would be the same if I was on cannabis as well. While there is minimal research indicating that cannabis has a much more reduced negative impact on driving than alcohol, you shouldn’t risk it. On top of the risk to your safety and the safety of others, you can get a costly DUI that might be in the position to defend in court. Those are negative impacts that are easily avoided otherwise. Just wait until you get home to medicate with your favorite cannabis products.

Medical Marijuana Card Renewal

I wish my state would allow cannabis cafes but they say that isn’t “medical”

I am often left perplexed by the actions of my state’s government and the people who currently control it.

  • They run their election campaigns with a set of promises and virtue signals to an ideology and value system that they almost always betray once they get into power.

For instance, they often say that their utmost focus is to follow “the will of the people,” but if we vote for something like medical marijuana and pass it with over 70% of the votes, they find an exception to that rule. I think it’s because there are too many card carrying members of that party who are explicitly against medical cannabis, regardless of the massive support behind the constitutional amendment that finally legalized it in this state. While it might be years before we get a proper recreational cannabis market here, I can’t complain too much. The cost of my marijuana doctor isn’t cheap in the slightest, but at least I’m not getting subjected to the insanely high recreational cannabis taxes out in the western states. But, it would be cool if we could have something like a cannabis cafe where you could sit down, smoke, eat cannabis-infused food, and chill with your friends for an hour or two. Since we have a purely medical marijuana program and not a recreational one, this isn’t going to happen. The state’s Department of Health would never allow a cannabis cafe to open, strictly based on how the law is currently written and how licenses are handed out. There is no system in place for a business like a cannabis cafe, at least not until the laws are changed.


medical marijuana dispensary

It’s hard to budget for cannabis products when everything else goes up in price

I don’t know a single person who isn’t hurting in some conceivable way from the historic rates of inflation right now.

They hit an even bigger rate in the previous month than what was projected by industry analysts.

These increases are burning in my pockets in ways I never thought possible, making every last possible good and service more expensive now than it has been in my entire life. Gasoline went up, my electricity bill increased, and my usual receipts at the grocery store have increased by 10-20% over the past six months. I hope the inflation slows down at some point because I don’t know how I can possibly afford these prices, regardless of which store I am dealing with one day or another. If you think it’s hard for me to budget my normal groceries, you have no idea what it’s like for me to figure out ways to afford cannabis products from the medical cannabis dispensary. Even with regular sales at the medical cannabis stores, it’s hard for me to afford cannabis products of any kind. It doesn’t matter if I try to purchase cheap cannabis flower products or cannabis oils, price increases on everything else in my life have made it exceptionally difficult to budget for anything whatsoever sold at weed stores. However, marijuana is cheaper in the medical marijuana industry opposed to the black market, at least compared to my old marijuana connections. While I can get an eighth of top shelf cannabis flower products on sale for $30 many days out of the month, I often paid $50 or $60 for weed that was only occasionally as good or better than what I can find at most dispensaries.


medical marijuana dispensary

I wasn’t a huge fan of working as a budtender in the medical weed store

I wanted to become a budtender and slowly work my way up in a cannabis company until I could get a junior position at a cannabis growing facility.

Before I started work in the medical cannabis industry as a budtender or medtender, I was primarily a retail associate at a large department store for over 10 years. While I managed to get several raises during my years at that company, I wasn’t really offered any upward mobility in the form of promotions to places like supervisor or lower management roles. It became clear to me that I wouldn’t be satisfied in life until I found a job in a different industry. The hours at this store were all over the place, and my own managers weren’t particularly kind to me throughout the years when I was verbally assaulted by customers. You can only take so much of this stress before it completely consumes you and spits you out on the other side. I’ve been a marijuana smoker for a number of years and always dreamed about one day working as a marijuana grower. However, I never had a plan in mind for how to achieve that dream. When my state legalized medical marijuana in 2016, I saw an opportunity. I wanted to become a budtender and slowly work my way up in a cannabis company until I could get a junior position at a cannabis growing facility. However, being a budtender wasn’t too different from the retail job I had before. There were a lot more angry and disgruntled customers at the cannabis dispensary than I could ever imagine. That’s when I asked to be put in the cultivation facility, and I have never looked back. I finally achieved my dream of becoming a marijuana grower and I couldn’t be happier working for the medical cannabis dispensary.


medical marijuana shop

All of my bandmates joined me at the cannabis dispensary after our practice

While I understand that the risk of COVID is still front and center in our lives in this nation, it’s nice to know that it’s more feasible to spend close time with other people with the implementation of vaccines and new antiviral drugs. I play guitar in a small band with a few of my close friends from undergraduate school. We’ve stayed in touch over the years and decided to start jamming informally in the years leading up to the pandemic. It started as a purely jazz based music experience, but we’ve been weaving in other genres like rock, funk, and hip hop now that my friend is bringing his synthesizer and drum machine to our jam sessions. The other day we played four three and a half hours straight before I started to get a strain in my neck and had to take a break. As it was already getting fairly late, we decided to call it early on the band practice and we planned the next date on our calendars. I was heading to the cannabis dispensary nearby after the jam session and told my bandmates about it. They all like cannabis like I do and decided to accompany me on my trip over to the weed store. Usually I’m alone when I go to the marijuana dispensaries in the area, but it was nice to have some friends with me for a change. I bought a few jars of cannabis flower buds while my other friends bought cannabis vaporizer cartridges that attach to these pen-sized batteries. No matter what kind of marijuana products you prefer, you can always find something great at one of the local cannabis stores.


cannabis regulations

You can’t get the medical weed store to hold a pickup order for longer than 24 hours

The same goes for the medical weed stores in my state.

I started making pickup orders at places like grocery stores and supercenters as soon as these features became available in my area at the beginning of the pandemic. It led to me avoiding unnecessary time in stores and spending less from wandering aisles and staring at shelves of delicious food. Even though I don’t mind shopping in most stores these days, I’ll still opt for online orders to save unnecessary time wasted in the store. This is particularly helpful if I’m already running late. It’s not just for days when I’m running late, either. Who wants to spend all of that time wandering a busy store after finishing a busy and stressful day at work? I often feel so exhausted at the end of my work shifts that I can barely think of anything but jumping in bed the second I get home. On days like that, it really helps to have all of my groceries gathered and ready for me at curbside pickup. The same goes for the medical weed stores in my state. They will fill your order that you make online so it’s ready the minute you get to the dispensary. However, the medical cannabis stores in this state will only hold your pickup order for 24 hours. If you fail to pick up your items from the weed dispensary within that time frame, your products are put back on the shelf. You just have to make sure you can get to the store in time to get the order, otherwise there is the cannabis delivery service.



medical marijuana education

I felt bad that the cannabis delivery driver had to finish the day with no a/c in the truck

The temperatures outside lately have been absolutely off the charts.

Normally we get highs that peak around 90 degrees most days, but this past week we’ve been above 100 degrees during the hottest hours of the afternoon.

It makes an already uncomfortable outdoor environment even more uncomfortable. My brother works as a landscaping technician and is on a lawnmower for a good portion of his day. He said that it doesn’t matter if you’re on a riding mower or not, it’s extremely hot and miserable to be outside for so many hours each day, particularly during the hot afternoon hours. He definitely makes a good living being a landscape technician, but even he admits sometimes that he wonders what it would be like to work in a different career field where he isn’t taxing his body so much every single day. Even the cannabis delivery driver is having problems today with the high heat advisory. He told me after handing me my back of goodies from the medical marijuana dispensary that the a/c in his delivery truck went out that morning and he had to finish the rest of the day with no air conditioning of any kind. Our heat index was over 105 degrees as well, so I felt really bad for the cannabis delivery service driver from the medical marijuana dispensary. I was just thankful that he arrived on time and gave me a warning when he was leaving the previous customer’s house before arriving at mine. Even if it costs a little bit of money, I love using the cannabis delivery service at the medical pot store.


medical marijuana

The delivery driver was a single of my outdated students

I was honestly hesitant to try medical marijuana; One reason was due to the stigma of using drugs.

I grew up in a time when marijuana was considered a drug.

My parents grew up in a time when marijuana was used for fun plus free hippie affectionate. I came from a time phase where all I can remember is the first lady telling us to say no to drugs. I never used marijuana in high school plus I didn’t smoke pot in college either. I taught in an elementary school for 6 years plus then I got hurt. I was rock climbing with some friends plus a single of the ropes snapped. It was a freak accident, but I happen to be the person that was on the rope at the time. I fell 40 ft plus landed on a shrub. The shrub is the only reason why I am still alive. It broke my fall so I didn’t land completely on my back. I had to relearn how to walk plus I could not even write my own name. The dentist prescribed medical marijuana for the pain that I was feeling after the accident. I have been using marijuana products for the past 10 years. I absolutely guess like they help with pain relief, but they also help my mental health. I do not think about the accident as much when I am stoned. Last month I ordered delivery products from a new marijuana dispensary. The dispensary carries medical plus recreational marijuana products. The delivery driver was a respected face. It turned out to be a single of my outdated students from forever ago.

cannabis products

After the dentist called, I stopped smoking marijuana

My fiance plus I were trying to have a baby for 2 years.

  • Both of us tried everything plus saw the dentist every week.

It was honestly tough for both of us. Both of us dealt with the stress plus anxiety by using low-dose medical marijuana products. I didn’t use the low dose medical marijuana products frequently. I only used marijuana in times of extreme stress. I was prescribed medical marijuana by a dentist that is not my primary care physician, then my primary care physician is unable to write medical marijuana prescriptions, so I have a single dentist that handles my primary care plus a single dentist that handles my medical marijuana care. After my primary care physician called to tell myself and others that I was pregnant, I was distraught about the baby.I stopped smoking marijuana immediately plus I made an appointment with my dentist so all of us could discuss how marijuana might affect the baby, the dentist proposed myself and others to stop smoking immediately; He told myself and others that I could continue with a low dose marijuana edible, although he encouraged myself and others to option a time plus quit all together until the baby was born, but since I did not want to take any occasions with the pregnancy, I never used medical marijuana again until after the pregnancy. I only filled my body with the healthiest plus most nutritious foods like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, plus lean protein. I didn’t even have caffeine while I was pregnant with Jack. The first thing Iw ante after seeing a healthy baby boy was a marijuana joint plus a cup of coffee.

medical marijuana education